Facilities MASTER Plan

Review Facilities Master Plan Here

Review Facilities Master Plan Executive Summary here

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Community Values Driving the Project

Public Input - Community Values


“The West side of Legacy Loop from America the Beautiful Park to Monument Valley Park is well established along the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail. The missing northern connection to Shooks Run and Rock Island Trail has been figured out and will be constructed soon. The southern and east side of the Legacy Loop, along the Shooks Run Corridor, is ripe for analysis and design to improve the experience and connect Shooks Run to the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail. It will be great to make the full Legacy Loop a continuous enjoyable trail experience. There are currently areas where the trail ends so people on foot or riding bikes must use the sidewalks or streets. Completing the loop by expanding the linear park feel along the Shooks Run creek would provide a strong connection to nature for the community and provide a great amenity to the neighborhoods along this section of the loop.  It would also provide easy trail connections to downtown and to other area destinations linked by trails.”
Andrea Barker, Greenway Fund Legacy Loop Project